Who Are We?

Inner Vision Transformational Journey is a collaborative facilitated space where Rayna & Rouxhan joined forces to facilitate a space for transformation. Merging the realms of Self-Image and Vision to provide tranformation on whole new dimension.

Rouxhan Coetzee

CEO Feather Coaching

I am a passionate facilitator, legacy vision coach, and a writer. I answered the calling of my heart to dive deeper into service. My mission and passion is to bring awareness to the vision we hold for the planet and for our life as we transition into the Golden Age of this Galaxy.

My message is simple but is complex to comprehend, "What You choose to express is for You to determine. The effect you want depends on the cause you stand for."

Rayna Lountzis

CEO Power Vibe Club

Originally from Bulgaria, I have settled in the UK with my wonderful Greek husband and our four beautiful children! I am a multilingual firecracker entrepreneur and a transformation facilitator who works with individuals and groups, supporting them to reach their highest potential through constructive self-image and heart-desired projects. Being an advocate for unity and oneness has drawn me to projects where I can make a difference through positive impact and inclusion. I am also a PhD candidate in Film Studies, creating a novel film movement ‘Situational Film’, which contributes new way of minimising filming times without compromising on the creative output of the underrepresented neurodivergent talent, who's been given the unique opportunity to bring forth their gifts and and talents.

Inner Vision Transformation Journey

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Self Image



Inner Vision Transformation Journey is dedicated to the concept of change and utilizing this moment to provide value that will carry us through to the other end of our transformational journey.